It's that moment when you forget the rest, when nothing else seems to matter but a
certain intensity of feeling. You can't count these by dozens in your life but the very strength of the emotion makes these rare experiences memorable. I'm sure what triggers it is very personal and maybe related to a receptive state of mind.
Have you had at least one of these? With nature, art, music?
I remember having it happen as a young girl riding over a bridge at sunset. Unfortunately, that sounds trite and very picture postcard, but I still remember the wonder of the sun's low-slung light glowing on the metal structure and the way our car was becoming part of the blaze.
I didn't say a word, not a whisper,
there in the back seat.
photo: Le style et la matière |
It happened again at an exhibit I was enjoying but where I had in no way expected
to stumble on something to make me feel like time stood still.
photo: Le style et la matière |
But there it was, ready to spring from a gown I didn't really like -
photo: Le style et la matière |
the delicacy of the flowers woven into the glowing orange satin made my heart sing.
Obviously, no picture could reproduce the sensation.
Worth gown of historicizing style
mutton sleeves and neo 17th century lace collar
for Mrs Franklin Gordon Dexter 1895
(collection Musée des arts décoratifs)