Voyager, c'est demander d'un coup à la distance ce que le temps ne pourrait nous donner que peu à peu.
To travel is to ask all at once of distance what time could give us only little by little.
To travel is to ask all at once of distance what time could give us only little by little.
Three weeks spent in three different places means new impressions - sights, smells, tastes, notions -to mix with old ideas. A bit of rest, a bit of sport, a smidgen of glamour, communing with nature, walking in history's paths, exhibits, conversations, books, new faces.... Who can tell the full effects of this potion? Plans and new projects start to bud. Vacation is about all these things.
Criss-crossing civilisations
Taking a closer look.
But it's oh, so nice to come home...
(last photo by my daughter)
Beautiful! L