Sunday, March 21, 2010


It's Spring. One year ago today I decided to open a window, letting out some of my aesthetic leanings, stylosophic ponderings, and a smattering of things that make me tick in my interior world and that are best expressed in the realm of "objects" Since then, I find ideas come flitting in and out. There is something so delightful about a waft of fresh air coming in and a shimmer of light illuminating an interior. That was the surprise. The reality of that clumsy but clever little thud of a word, BLOG, is that it is a magic password that connects to others. For that, I am grateful.

(I have added a little explanation to my profile quote. True, I haven't figured out how to make it continue properly to the "complete profile" page, but I've sneaked it in as best I could under "interests.")


  1. Congratulations! I send you a virtual gold laurel leaf crown for your accomplishments. Looking forward to your continued musings and insights. Kendra

  2. So glad that odd inelegant word "blog" sang your name. A year in your life has been a most lovely, intriguing, informing, interesting and lively one. Congratulations on your first year.

    p.s. loved the mystery you start to unveil in your "interests". More please.

  3. I have so loved your open window, ideas wafting down to earth, and to the states-thank you. little augury.

  4. Congratulations. Our anniversaries are almost identical - except I'm one year older than you! I shall look forward to reading your blog regularly, and may you continue to be inspired.

  5. HBD and Little A: You were my two first commenters. I'm so glad you've stuck with me through posts thick and thin!

    Columnist: So your blogchild was a Spring baby as well. Our progeny has had the advantage of highly calculated family planning for all its symbolic worth! I'm honored to have you among my readers.

  6. The story under "Interests" on your profile page comes from where, may I ask?
    I am intrigued.

  7. Congratulations!!! I look forward to many more anniversaries...I love your blog

  8. Elizabeth: surely an old manuscript with no front cover, no ending. The title at the top of the pages reads "Les Meubles."

    SS: That means a lot - thanks!

  9. Happy Anniversary. I enjoy your website. Happy spring, too.

  10. Thank you! To you also a joyeux printemps !

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Congratulations! Like a breath of fresh air, your blog.I love it.

  13. And into my heart an air that thrills...Thank you, Blue.
